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  • Landing at FOOL airport

    The TK641 performed directly as an IST-LBV. Etna volcano activation was observed along the route. Strong eruption at Etna, Aviation Color Code raised to Red, Italy. Aviation Colour Code Orange indicates that a volcanic eruption is underway but with little or no ash being produced. Volcano is in normal, non-eruptive state. or, after a change from a higher level: Volcanic activity considered to have ceased, and volcano reverted to its normal, non-eruptive state. Safety-related events and hazards or risks observed during operation that are not subject to mandatory reporting should be submitted as a Hazard Report. Hazard reports are used to obtain information about events involving potential safety risks during operations. It is good practice to complete the EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT AND METEOROLOGY report for a volcanic ash encounter. Enroute Even though extended VHF coverage by VSAT were implemented in order to increase AMS along the major flow of traffic we observed some difficulties to contact on VHF around FIR boundaries. Some frequencies that we are used ...TUNIS 129.3 MHz, ALGIERS 124.1 MHz, NIAMEY 126.1 MHZ - 8873 kHz, KANO ...., DOUALA 129.5 MHz, LIBREVILLE 126.5 MHz A listening watch should be maintained on the designated frequency (126.9MHz), 10 minutes before entering the designated airspace until leaving this airspace. For an aircraft taking off from an aerodrome located within the lateral limits of the designated airspace, listening watch should start as soon as appropriate and be maintained until leaving the airspace. Broadcasts Intervals A broadcast should be clearly pronounced in English: • 10 minutes before, entering an FIR within the IFBP region; • upon entering and FIR within the IFBP region; • as soon as practicable when departing from an aerodrome located within the IFBP region; • 10 minutes prior to crossing or joining an ATS route or crossing an airway or waypoint; • every 20 minutes; • before a change in flight level; • upon reaching the intended flight level; • at any other time considered necessary by the pilot. Use of SLOP is promoted in AFI region KANO FIR Free route airspace (FRA)is available.This is a specified airspace within which users may freely plan a route between a defined entry point and a defined exit point, with the possibility to route via intermediate (published or unpublished) significant points, without reference to the ATS route network, subject to airspace availability. Within this airspace, flights remain subject to air traffic control. Approach BTA 1B STAR was performed. Direct BINAS is given by LIBREVILLE. Request reportin 25 DME and cleared descent level 060F for ILS Z Rwy 16. Changed tower frequence 118.7 MHz for clearing ILS. Aerodrome included ATIS on the VHF VOLMET broadcast. Landing After landing 180 turns are permitted at the rwy ends lonly. Vacated via E for paring stand B1. Marshaller was over stairs.

  • Landing at LFBD Airport

    TK1391 IST - BOD was performed as a direct flight It was a very smooth flight. We riding wel at F370/390. Mostly CPDLC cover was effectively used in Europe Air Space except Zagreb, Belgrade. CPDLC operational services between ATC and flight crew are available above FL195 within Bordeaux, Brest, Marseille, Paris and Reims ACC airspace. Logon from FANS1/A or non-PM CPDLC capable aircraft will not be accepted. For example Airbus A380 and Boeing 787 have FANS-1/A capability. Holding procedures comply with Jeppesen ATC-Chapter "Flight Procedures (DOC 8168). Approach Instrument approach procedures are based on the PANS-OPS Document 8168. As SRTAR LMG 9L was performed. Get some short cuts from ATC. AIRPORT OPERATING MINIMUMS The operational minimums published on French non-precision approach charts have been determined based on the assumption that these approaches are flown using the CDFA flight technique. Generally speaking CDFA is a technique, consistent with stabilized approach procedures, for flying the final approach segment of a non-precision instrument approach procedure as a continuous descent, without level-off, from an altitude/height at or above the final approach fix altitude/height to a point approximately 15 m (50 ft) above the landing runway threshold or the point where the flare manoeuvre should begin for the type of aircraft flown. To avoid descending below the MDA(H) in case of a Missed Approach, France State authority recommends to add following mean vertical margins to the published MDA(H) to use it as a DA(H) These margins, however, are not considered necessary by France State authority, if it is ensured that all 3 criteria below are fulfilled: a. the Visual Segment Surface (VSS) is not penetrated by an obstacle; b. protection of the initial missed approach complies with ICAO recommended rules; c. the MAP is located at or after the runway threshold.

  • Landing at HTDA Airport

    TK605 was performed as a flight IST-ZNZ-DAR. Airspace classes "A", "D" and "G" are used within Dar-Es Salaam FIR. In class "G" airspace, continuous two-way communication is required for all flights. Position reports additional to those required by the general position reporting procedures shall be made when entering or leaving controlled or advisory airspace. The last position report before passing from one FIR to an adjacent FIR shall be made to the ATS unit serving the airspace about to be entered. Pilots operating procedures All aircraft transiting through DAR FIR shall strictly comply with the following: a) Maintain contact with Entebbe ACC or Nairobi ACC according to the contingency plan. b) Operate along or as close as possible to the centreline of the assigned contingency air traffic route. c) Reach the flight level assigned by adjacent ACC for the transit of DAR FIR at least ten (10) minutes before entering DAR FIR d) Maintain the flight level assigned by the last adjacent ACC while operating within DAR FIR, unless an emergency or flight safety reason exists. e) Maintain a continuous listening watch on the VHF frequency 126.9 MHz, and transmit blind in English on 126.9 MHz position reports five (5) minutes before and overhead each compulsory reporting point established along the respective air traffic route. f) Include in the last position report to the adjacent ACC, the estimated time of arrival over the entry and exit points of DAR FIR. g) Whenever emergencies and/or flight safety reasons make it impossible to maintain the flight level assigned for the transit of DAR FIR, climb or descend well to the right of the centerline of the air traffic route being flown but remaining within DAR FIR, and immediately inform, by blind broadcast on the VHF frequency 126.9 MHz, all other aircraft likely to be affected by transmitting a relevant emergency level change message (comprising the aircraft call-sign, the aircraft position, the flight levels being left and crossed, etc.). h) Contact the adjacent ACC as soon as possible and at least ten (10) minutes before the estimated time of arrival over the relevant exit point of DAR FIR to obtain clearance for entering the adjacent airspace concerned. i) Display navigation and anti-collision lights always during the transit of contingency airspace. j) The application of SLOP is strongly encouraged. A maximum of 2NM offset is approved. k) Transponders should be set on a discrete code assigned by ATC or select code A2000 if ATC has not assigned a code

  • Landing at OITT Airport

    TK882 was performed as a direct flight from Istanbul to Tabriz airport. Boundary Report All flights before entering Iran ADIZ (which coincides with Tehran FIR boundary) shall be at FL150 or above. Aircraft unable to comply shall obtain prior permission. FIR entry estimates shall be made good within +/- 5 minutes. All aircraft shall enter Tehran FIR via published ATS routes. Aircraft not complying with these procedures. are subject to interception. All aircraft are required to contact Air defense Radar on 127.800 MHz or 135.100 MHz at least 40 NM prior to entering Tehran FIR; if unable to contact, flight information will relay through ATC. Approach Emergency Descend When a controlled flight experiences sudden decompression or a (similar) malfunction requiring an emergency descent, the aircraft shall, if able; Initiate a turn away from the assigned route or track before commencing the emergency descent(At least 30 degrees turning left or right within 30 seconds); Advise the appropriate air traffic control unit as soon as possible of the emergency descent; (if practicable, advise of the direction in which the turn is being made.) Set transponder Code to 7700; Turn on exterior lights; Watch for conflicting traffic both visually and by reference to ACAS( if equipped). Coordinate its further intensions with the appropriate ATC unit. For an emergency descent during approach, the aircraft should descend within the ATS rout. Clouds At Tabriz International Airport, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year. The clearer part of the year at Tabriz International Airport begins around May 25 and lasts for 4.5 months, ending around October 10. The clearest month of the year at Tabriz International Airport is July, during which on average the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy99% of the time. The cloudier part of the year begins around October 10 and lasts for 7.5 months, ending around May 25. The cloudiest month of the year at Tabriz International Airport is March, during which on average the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy 43% of the time. Wind This section discusses the wide-area hourly average wind vector (speed and direction) at 10 meters above the ground. The wind experienced at any given location is highly dependent on local topography and other factors, and instantaneous wind speed and direction vary more widely than hourly averages. The average hourly wind speed at Tabriz International Airport experiences mild seasonal variation over the course of the year. The windier part of the year lasts for 3.9 months, from January 12 to May 8, with average wind speeds of more than 9.1 miles per hour. The windiest month of the year at Tabriz International Airport is March, with an average hourly wind speed of 10.0 miles per hour. The calmer time of year lasts for 8.1 months, from May 8 to January 12. The calmest month of the year at Tabriz International Airport is October, with an average hourly wind speed of 8.3 miles per hour. The predominant average hourly wind direction at Tabriz International Airport varies throughout the year. The wind is most often from the west for 3.0 weeks, from May 9 to May 30, with a peak percentage of 35% on May 20. The wind is most often from the east for 4.4 months, from May 30 to October 10, with a peak percentage of 72% on July 26. The wind is most often from the southfor 7.0 months, from October 10 to May 9, with a peak percentage of 57% on January 1. When released from Ankara FIR to 119.3 MHz Tahran ATS we are starting to descent for landing. When air service was terminated transferred to TABRIZ Approach on frequence 122.5 MHz. At this time ATIS were available. SETNA 1N conventional STAR was performed. After an alignment turn, hold was exit at FL120. Via 16 DME ARC, and followed ILS 1 Rwy 30R approach procedures. MISSED APCH CLIMB GRADIENT for Rwy 30R is MIM 4.1%. Where an aeroplane cannot achieve the missed approach gradient when operating at or near maximum certificated landing mass and in engine out conditions, an alternative means of compliance demonstrating that a missed approach can be executed safely taking into account appropriate mitigating measures may be proposed to the competent authority. In this case consider Rwy change. There is a procedure of using Rwy 30L/12R as Contingency Rwy. Contingency Rwy 30 L/12 R is only available for take off and landing under certain conditions. A NOTAM regarding the closure of Rwy 30R/12L and indication of expected delays to arrivals and departures shall be issued. Varesh Airlines B737 landing inTabriz Ints Airport After landing, although there was a difference depending on the landing weight, a backtrack was made on the 12R/30L runway with the F taxiway and the apron was entered with the FollowMe via the B exit.

  • Landing at HCMM Airport

    TK646 was performed as a direct flight from #Istanbul to #AdenAdde airport. IATA In-Flight Broadcaste procedures were applied along the route. VHF radio coverage is generally average to below average. “ Potential risk to aviation overflying Somalia (Mogadishu FIR - HCSM) at less than 25,000 FT above ground level (AGL) from dedicated anti-aircraft weaponry.” All flights operating to and from airfields in #Mogadishu FIR where AFIS is not provided are required to transmit blind their position on 132.5 MHz before landing and taking off during taxiing out of the runway. Approach According the routing IBROL RNAV Transition was performed. For this approach GNSS required (RNP-1). Landing The average hourly wind speed in #Mogadishu experiences extreme seasonal variation over the course of the year. The windier part of the year lasts for 4.1 months, from May 27 to September 30, with average wind speeds of more than 13.6 miles per hour. The windiest month of the year in Mogadishu is July, with an average hourly wind speed of 17.5 miles per hour. The calmer time of year lasts for 7.9 months, from September 30 to May 27. The calmest month of the year in Mogadishu is April, with an average hourly wind speed of 10.2 miles per hour. The predominant average hourly wind direction in #Mogadishu varies throughout the year. The wind is most often from the south for 6.5 months, from April 15 to October 31, with a peak percentage of 100% on August 27. The wind is most often from the east for 5.5 months, from October 31 to April 15, with a peak percentage of 97% on January 1. Runway 05 blocked by preceding aircraft. Watch how this #crew solves the problem. Taxi Although it varies depending on the landing distance calculations, it can be vacated via Taxiway B or Backtrack. Parking Position Acft to park nose-out due to lack of wide body act bars in the station. Wide body act should not use full power engine on the apron, crew are advised to start up and taxi with less power to avoid jet blast Other information The movement of persons having access to the restricted zone of the aerodrome/ heliport is subject to the conditions prescribed by Somali Civil Aviation and Meteorological Authority. Care and protection of aircraft, vehicles, equipment and goods used at the aerodrome/heliport are not the responsibility of the State or any concessionaire; they cannot be held responsible for loss or damage which is not incurred through action by them or their agents.

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